Dizziness and Vertigo
There are many causes of dizziness & vertigo, some of which are treatable with physiotherapy. In particular, we can address problems with the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear, and dysfunction of the joints and muscles of the cervical spine, both of which can be a source of dizziness.
The Ottawa Physiotherapy and Sport Clinics dedicated physiotherapists provide vestibular rehabilitation for dizziness and vertigo. Some of the conditions that can be treated include:
- Vestibular neuritis and labrynthitis
- Cervicogenic dizziness
There are many other confusing names and terms used in describing dizziness disorders. If you are unsure if your condition can be treated, consult your doctor, or you may make an appointment with us directly for assessment.
Dizziness and Vertigo – Do you need to see a doctor before the physiotherapist?
Although it is not commonly the case, dizziness and vertigo can be a symptom of a more serious medical condition, such as stroke or heart attack. It is important that you consult your physician immediately if you experience sudden dizziness or vertigo. Once they have ruled out a serious concern, they may then suggest you see an Ottawa physiotherapist for treatment.