Snow has fallen. Sales are starting. THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING! Parties, cake, dinners, candies, brunches, fancy cocktails…sweet and treats and indulgence galore. Tack on high levels of stress amidst the merry-making and SO many appointments you couldn’t possible get to the gym, and it’s no wonder most New Year’s resolutions have to do with losing weight.
We at OPTSC want you to be healthy, but we also want you to indulge a little and have some fun! The holidays only come once a year! So here are some tips and tricks to make sure you fit into your killer party dress and eat your cake too.
Pack a lunch: packing a healthy lunch means you’re getting good food into you, and it’ll keep you from gnawing the corners off of the office gingerbread house. Studies also show that once you’ve eaten a healthy meal, you’re more likely to think twice about jamming something unhealthy in your face. Now is the time when unhealthy snacks are lurking everywhere.
Eat the things you LOVE: going to parties and eating ALL THE TREATS is part of the holiday fun, but you don’t really need allllll of them. Take a second to survey the options, and pick the top few that seem the most delicious to you. This helps keep you from going overboard, and saves you the hassle of strategically hiding the rest of that stale sausage roll in your napkin.
Park at the end of the row: Holiday parking lots can be a mess, so park as far away from the entrances as you can to kill two birds with one stone. Bird 1: you avoid the snarl of cars and easily get a parking spot. Bird 2: you get a tiny bit of extra movement in walking further to get to/from the store. You’re likely to eat a wee bit more than you’re used to doing, so sneaking in some extra steps can help with a wee number of the calories.
DON’T CANCEL ON THE GYM( *cough*PHYSIO*cough*): Everyone is busy as all out this time of year, but hectic, stressful times are when you need to work out/move THE MOST. In addition to helping with fitness and weight maintenance, those sweet, sweet exercise/seeing Peter endorphins help you deal with all the stress.
Need a little help just to get things moving? Want to talk to a dietitian to get your eating on track no matter the season? We can help. Set up an appointment by calling our Orleans, Barrhaven or Westboro office.